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Bound2Burst: What's New
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Bound2Burst: What's New

Cadence Lux
Added: July 25
One Squirt At A Time (MP4)
One Squirt At A Time (MP4)
Time: 23 minutes 31 seconds
Cadence tries to release pee in short spurts into a pair of jeans, not sure that she can stop each time (it's a bit like a time to go situation). She starts with a wet patch that grows a little bigger with each spurt until, eventually, the jeans are saturated. Stopping the flow grows increasingly difficult with each release, but Cadence manages to control herself, taking around twenty minutes to completely soak her jeans.

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Cadence Lux
Added: July 25
She Left It Too Late (MP4)
She Left It Too Late (MP4)
Time: 9 minutes 37 seconds
Cadence is an assistant to a successful author. She types up his manuscripts, applies edits as needed, and generally manages the nuts and bolts of his small business. On this particular day, two things are happening. One is that the current manuscript is almost finished and Cadence is anxious to complete the final draft before she finishes work, and the other is that bathroom in the house is out of order and a plumber is expected later in the day. Cadence has not been able to relieve herself all morning and is getting very desperate to pee, but if she chooses to do something about it, it will mean driving to her home to use the bathroom and then driving back, something she would rather avoid if possible. And so she chooses to hold it as she continues working. Before the manuscript is done, however, she reaches a point where she is bursting for relief, and tells the author she will have to make that run home after all. She hurries from the office and hobbles to her car, frantically desperate. Just as she reaches the car and tries to unlock the door, however, she feels herself lose control and pee streams down her legs. She moans with embarrassment and disappointment. There hardly seems any point in leaving now, so she walks back to the house, hoping the author will not mind if she carries on working in this messy state.

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Cadence Lux
Added: July 25
Cadence Lux: Set 20 (MP4)
Cadence Lux: Set 20 (MP4)
Time: 33 minutes 08 seconds

1. One Squirt At A Time
2. She Left It Too Late


Ramona Vixen
Added: July 11
Request To Pee Denied (MP4)
Request To Pee Denied (MP4)
Time: 8 minutes 40 seconds
Ramona is in a dom-sub relationship with her boyfriend, meaning that she must follow his instructions no matter what. When she arrives home from work desperate to pee and asks permission to use the bathroom, her request is denied. It seems that Ramona forgot to bring him his coffee in bed before setting off for work, so now he makes her drink a whole bottle of water while bursting for a pee. Finally, he instructs her to go and collect the mail, down at the end of a long driveway, and when she returns she will be able to use the bathroom. Ramona complies and hurries out to her car, planning to drive rather than walk all that way. Before she can get into the car, however, she loses control and soaks her jeans. Now she will be in big trouble.

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Ramona Vixen
Added: July 11
Wait Or Get Fired (MP4)
Wait Or Get Fired (MP4)
Time: 12 minutes 28 seconds
Ramona arrived late to work and is behind on a crucial agreement that needs to be submitted to a client by noon. The company manager is in the room with her as she works furiously trying to finish the document before the expiration time, only twenty minutes away now. The problem for Ramona is that she’s desperate to pee and finds it hard to concentrate. She asks her boss if she can take a break for a few minutes, but he declines to let her go, pointing out that she is almost out of time. Ramona continues working, legs tightly crossed, squirming as she continues to type until she feels like she is going to burst. She makes another request for a break, but is again denied. She tries to continue working, but she is now so close to losing control that she gets up and hurries to the office door without saying anything. The boss calls her back, reminding her that she has very little time to complete the agreement. When Ramona starts to argue with him, he warns her that if she leaves her post at this critical moment, she will be fired. Reluctantly, she returns to work, but it quickly becomes clear just can’t hold it any longer. Ignoring her boss, she runs to the bathroom, barely getting there in time.

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Ramona Vixen
Added: July 11
Ramona Can't Wait (MP4)
Ramona Can't Wait (MP4)
Time: 6 minutes 07 seconds
Ramona arrives home desperate to use the bathroom, but someone is in there and the door is locked. She pee dances at the bathroom door for a few minutes, hoping the person inside will finish up soon. Unable to stand there any longer, she hurries to the living room and sits down, legs crossed, desperately trying to hold on. Knowing that she can’t last much longer, she gets up and runs into the kitchen, thinking that maybe she will pee in the sink, but before she gets there, she feels the stream start, passing through her panties. She freezes as pee gushes between her thighs and runs down her legs, relieved by also annoyed that she couldn’t hold it any longer.

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Ramona Vixen
Added: July 11
Longing To Pee (MP4)
Longing To Pee (MP4)
Time: 7 minutes 19 seconds
Out for a walk in the country, Ramona feels the urge to pee. She moves to the side of the track and crouches down, pulling her panties down. She is about to release when she hears male voices close by. She can’t go with the risk of the men seeing her, so she walks on and comes across a house. Thinking that maybe the owner will let her use the bathroom, she knocks on the door. The man who answers does not seem especially friendly, but she asks for the use of his bathroom anyway. He says she can use it, but only if he is allowed to come in with her and watch. Ramona is horrified by this suggestion and leaves. On her way through the woods, she makes another attempt to squat down and relieve herself, but she again hears male voices coming close to her position. She aborts the attempt, deciding that her only option is to go back to the house and agree to the dirty old man’s terms. When he actually does enter the bathroom behind her, she tries to persuade him to leave, but he doesn’t plan on going anywhere. Awkwardly pulling down her panties, Ramona quickly sits on the toilet, then complains that she can’t go with him watching. He still refuses to leave, so she has to sit there until she can make herself release. It’s all so embarrassing.

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Ramona Vixen
Added: July 11
Before I Leave (MP4)
Before I Leave (MP4)
Time: 5 minutes 13 seconds
Ramona is about to depart, but before she goes, she lets you watch her as she squats down and pees on the grass, with everything on full display. Afterwards, she bids you farewell as she climbs in her car and backs away.

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Ramona Vixen
Added: July 11
Ramona Vixen: Set 3 (MP4)
Ramona Vixen: Set 3 (MP4)
Time: 40 minutes 10 seconds

1. Request To Pee Denied
2. Wait Or Get Fired
3. Ramona Can't Wait
4. Longing To Pee
5. Before I Leave


Vonka Romanov
Added: July 4
Time To Go With Vonka (MP4)
Time To Go With Vonka (MP4)
Time: 44 minutes 35 seconds
Vonka's first time participating in a "time to go" situation, where she discovers the horror of having to stop peeing each time she fills that tiny cup. Each time she releases some, the urge to pee gets a little worse instead of decreasing. Funny how that works. Vonka loaded up on fluids for this one, drinking several bottles en route to the shoot and two more after arrival. She drinks another full bottle on camera. What does not hit her now will certainly manifest itself later! She goes through a number of cycles of filling the cup until it is agreed that she can finish off using the vase. In conclusion, she transfers the pee from the vase to a graduated cylinder to measure the volume she released.

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Vonka Romanov
Added: July 4
The Consultant (MP4)
The Consultant (MP4)
Time: 13 minutes 30 seconds
A man has suffered through a terrible vacation. In fact, it was so bad that he has filed a lawsuit against the travel company that provided it, seeking millions of dollars in compensation. In an effort to calm troubled waters and same themselves a lot of money, the company hires Vonka, a litigation consultant, to speak to the customer and try to mollify him with the offer of more exotic vacations, hoping he might drop the case. However, he is understandably wary of anything this company has to offer and remains firm in his intention to prosecute. While Vonka is trying to talk him into a better frame of mind, he fails to notice the way she is squirming and fidgeting. In fact, she is absolutely bursting for a pee! She dare not ask this irritable man if she can use his bathroom; he would probably say no anyway. She therefore tries to hold it in until the interview is over. When he concludes the conversation, it looks like she has succeeded, but then he calls her back to have a closer look at the final offer she made, compelling Vonka to continue standing there while he swipes through the details on her phone. To her horror, she loses control of her very full bladder, but does her best not to react as pee streams down between her legs and soaks her pants. Fortunately, the man does not seem to notice, not until she walks away at least.

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Vonka Romanov
Added: July 4
Ordered To Wait (MP4)
Ordered To Wait (MP4)
Time: 17 minutes 35 seconds
Before embarking on a scenario where she is made to strip, Vonka needs to pee, quite badly. She is permitted to do so, but first she has to sit on the toilet for at least ten minutes before pulling her skirt up and sliding her panties down. She is cautioned that she must do this. Having no real sense of time and no clock to guide her, Vonka has to wait for as long as she thinks she must. She tries counting, but it only seems to make things worse. By the time she is compelled to pee, she clearly needed the relief very badly, based on the powerful stream that follows.

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Vonka Romanov
Added: July 4
Vonka Romanov: Set 16 (MP4)
Vonka Romanov: Set 16 (MP4)
Time: 75 minutes 40 seconds

1. Time To Go With Vonka
2. The Consultant
3. Ordered To Wait

Mura Suru
Added: June 28
Mura Holds It For Hours - Last 40 minutes
Mura Holds It For Hours - Last 40 minutes
Time: 40 minutes 08 seconds
The last 40 minutes of Mura's challenge, covering the most desperate period.

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Mura Suru
Added: June 27
Mura Holds It For Hours
Mura Holds It For Hours
Time: 1 hour 52 minutes
Mura was given the challenge of drinking at least three bottles of water and then holding her pee for at least an hour. She started out relaxed as she drank, chatting about all manner of things until she had consumed 2.5 bottles of water. She was then permitted to start the timed sequence, removing her clothes and chaining her ankle to the wood stove to prevent her running to the bathroom, or even getting safely off the carpet where it is absolutely forbidden for her to pee. She finished the third bottle and even started on a fourth, while answering quiz questions to keep her occupied, and later distracted, and her bladder filled and she became desperate. Her chosen subjects were Star Trek and Horror. She displays her knowledge on these topics as she gradually begins to squirm, culminating in anxiety as the urge to pee got stronger and stronger. The video is unedited for content, other than switching views between two cameras.

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Sinthia Bee
Added: June 20
The Desperate Realtor (MP4)
The Desperate Realtor (MP4)
Time: 17 minutes 01 seconds
Sinthia is a realtor who is scheduled to show a client around a house for sale, but she has been delayed by traffic and arrives late, just before the client is ready to depart. She apologizes, refraining from making mention of the fact that she urgently needs to pee. It seems very bad form to show up late and then waste the client's time further by running to the bathroom. She therefore decides to hold it. As the tour of the property continues, Sinthia increasingly squirms, unable to stop herself. She bursting for a piss and struggling not to embarrass herself by having pee run down her legs in front of the client. Finally, he takes his leave, and Sinthia is able to make a mad dash for the bathroom, pulling her skirt up and tugging her panties down just in time.

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Sinthia Bee
Added: June 20
Struggling To Make It In Time (MP4)
Struggling To Make It In Time (MP4)
Time: 9 minutes 12 seconds
Sinthia is driving home from a function, having been unable to use the toilet before leaving the venue because of long queues. On the drive back, she grows increasingly desperate to pee, struggling to control herself to avoid a wet car seat. She drives as fast as she dare, distracted by her very full bladder. When she gets home, she barely makes it into the bathroom in time, pulling up her dress and literally tearing down her tights and panties.

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Sinthia Bee
Added: June 20
I Need To Use Your Bathroom (MP4)
I Need To Use Your Bathroom (MP4)
Time: 8 minutes 49 seconds
Sinthia’s car broke down and she decided to take a short cut through the woods. It turned out not to be a short cut at all. Eventually, she comes across a house and sees a man in the yard. She asks if he has a phone she can use, but while he has, he informs her that the battery is flat and it is on charge. Sinthia then asks if she can use the bathroom because she really does not want to pee in the woods, and especially not on the man’s property, but he says he doesn’t want a stranger in his house. After talking to Sinthia for a few minutes, during which she squirms in obvious desperation, he says he will go and see if his phones enough charge for her to use it. No sooner is he out of sight when Sinthia wets her pants. It’s a huge relief, but now she is badly embarrassed.

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Sinthia Bee
Added: June 20
Trying Hard To Hold It (MP4)
Trying Hard To Hold It (MP4)
Time: 15 minutes 24 seconds
Loaded up on many liquids throughout the day, Sinthia concludes her time with us by holding a full bladder as long as she can, pee dancing until the urge to go becomes too intense and she runs off to the bathroom, this time filmed from the front as she gains relief prior to the journey home.

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Sinthia Bee
Added: June 20
Sinthia Bee: Set 6 (MP4)
Sinthia Bee: Set 11 (MP4)
Time: 50 minutes 26 seconds

1. The Desperate Realtor
2. Struggling To Make It In Time
3. I Need To Use Your Bathroom
4. Trying Hard To Hold It

Mura Suru
Added: June 6
Time To Go With Mura (MP4)
Time To Go With Mura (MP4)
Time: 29 minutes 00 seconds
What are the rules in the time to go series? Quite simple really. The girl must start out with a full bladder, naturally. She is given a tiny cup into which she can pee, but only at intervals of five minutes. In other words, she can fill the cup but then she must stop peeing and hold the rest for a further five minutes. This cycle goes on and on, which each fill and stop harder to control than the previous one. It's only a matter of time before the girl's muscles give out and she can no longer maintain control. When that happens, the cup overflows and both the floor and, in this case, her panties take a hit. This is Mura's first time doing this, and she was not at all prepared for how difficult it would become to stop peeing each time she filled the cup.

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Mura Suru
Added: June 6
Third Time Lucky (MP4)
Third Time Lucky (MP4)
Time: 15 minutes 57 seconds
Mura has agreed to give sitting on the toilet naked and holding a full bladder one more try. This time, she is warned that if she doesn’t hold it for at least twenty minutes, she will be fired! The expression on her face is priceless as the bathroom door closes and she is left struggling to control herself, when every fibre of her being just wants to release. She fights hard to wait and does better than on the previous two occasions, but she is still in trouble. Mura gets really frantic as the urge to pee gets stronger and stronger. This is desperation panic in a nutshell.

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Mura Suru
Added: June 6
Mura Suru: Set 6 (MP4)
Mura Suru: Set 6 (MP4)
Time: 44 minutes 57 seconds

1. Time To Go With Mura
2. I'm Going To Burst

Jasmine St James
Added: May 30
Almost Finished (MP4)
Almost Finished (MP4)
Time: 24 minutes 20 seconds
Jasmine is attending a finishing school in Switzerland, concluding a year of learning how to comport oneself in social settings, exercising diplomacy and self-control. One of the final tests of that self control is to hold a conversation with an important dignitary while also holding a full bladder. It would be considered rude to excuse oneself when the guest is holding forth on his agenda, so she must endure, remain composed, and try not to squirm! Jasmine arrives for the evaluation a little late for her test, however, and has not had a chance to use the bathroom. She badly needs to pee, and her instructor sees this as the ideal opportunity to test her. Jasmine does her very best to maintain control, often standing with her legs crossed, attempting to pay attention, but her full bladder is really distracting her. Her ability to comport herself appropriately starts to slip and, when the instructor is called away for a few minutes, leaving her standing there, she wets herself before he returns. She is mortified that she failed so spectacularly, but will the instructor give her another chance?

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Jasmine St James
Added: May 30
This Is For You (MP4)
This Is For You (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 43 seconds
Jasmine directly addresses the viewer as if they were a good friend, or something more. She's bursting for a pee and wearing jeans that are tight on her, adding to the pressure she is feeling. She says that she will hold it for as long as she can so that you can enjoy watching her struggle not to wet her pants. In fact, she says she will try to make it as long as you need, if you get her meaning. She crosses her legs and squirms incessantly as she tries so hard to contain herself, but the urge to pee is becoming intense, and she will soon soak her jeans in urine. Her conversation throughout is on the intimate side, about how you would tease her by talking about water, or asking her to wait just five more minutes. It's not hard to imagine that you are there in the room with her. When she loses control of her bladder, the flood does not disappoint.

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Jasmine St James
Added: May 30
I'm Going To Burst (MP4)
I'm Going To Burst (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 42 seconds
Jasmine leaves things late in this one and badly wants to get started, but there are a few details to attend to before she can get started. She is, in her own words, "extremely desperate to pee". Wearing a very short denim skirt, one can see most of her squirming legs. She is chatting directly to the viewer, repeatedly saying “I have to pee” and “I’m going to burst”, hence the title. Even from the start, she is frantic to piss and is seriously battling the urge to release. The strain of holding is present in her voice for most of the video. But this is Jasmine; she does not give in but makes herself wait as long as she can, or as she puts it, “until I am absolutely bursting!” She also adds: “I’m really pushing myself because I waited way too long to say something, that I needed to go, and here we are. This is what happens all the time.” She also mentions that she is performing suggestions from the forum, albeit with variations. When she does let it go, the event is presented in a split screen.

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Jasmine St James
Added: May 30
Jasmine St James: Set 365 (MP4)
Jasmine St James: Set 36 (MP4)
Time: 67 minutes 45 seconds

1. Almost Finished
2. I'm Going To Burst
3. This Is For You


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