The piracy conundrum

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The piracy conundrum

Post by davidb2b »

My piracy lawyer has received a cheeky response from the owner of pissrip, basically saying he doesn't care that he's committing a crime because no one is going to prosecute him. That sums up the kind of people who pursue piracy, and they thrive because of those who sign up and pay a monthly subscription for access to stolen work, mine and that of other producers. What galls me is that these people pay for nothing, they steal it and then profit from it. They will make the excuse that the videos are too expensive, that they are performing a service to the community. For them, it's all profit. They probably make far more money every year than you do, and they don't do a thing for it. They certainly don't pay the models or invest time editing the videos, or even have the imagination to create their own content. They're just ticks feeding off the host, nothing more than parasites.

For any of you who care, don't sign up to these sites. They undermine the entire industry, and if the original source disappears because of what they do, they truly don't give a fuck. Only you have the power to fuck them back.

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