Mura Suru: Set 7 (MP4) - 36 minutes

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Mura Suru: Set 7 (MP4) - 36 minutes

Post by davidb2b »

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1. Never Enough Bathrooms
17 minutes 34 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 994.8 MB
Mura arrives at the house of a couple she knows, bursting for a pee and in a hurry to reach the bathroom. She hobbles along the corridor to the bathroom door and finds it closed, with light spilling from beneath it. She tries the handle to convince herself that it is actually locked, then knocks tentatively, asking if someone is in there. It turns out the guy is in residence. Mura points out that she's very desperate to use the toilet, but he explains that he can't come out and that she will have to wait. Mura pee dances around, wiggling her legs, holding her crotch, constantly warning that she can't hold it much longer. When she is getting frantic, the guys points out that there is another bathroom. Mura had no idea of this and follows his instructions to find it. When she arrives at the second bathroom, she finds it too is occupied. The lady of the house is taking a shower, and she is not willing to let Mura in while she is doing so. Once again, Mura struggles to control herself, so desperate for relief and only a few steps away from an inaccessible toilet. Barely able to wait now, Mura hurries back to the first bathroom in the hope that it is now free, but no such luck. After waiting there a few more minutes, she knows she is right on the verge of wetting herself, and decides the only thing she can do is go back outside and relieve herself there. She hobbles back to the front door and is about to open it when she feels her muscles give way and pee starts streaming down her legs. She quickly kicks off her shoes to save them, but there is no time to unbutton and pull down her jeans. She stands there and wets herself, feeling thoroughly humiliated.

Store: $8.99 ... ct_id=2179

Teaser: ... hrooms.mp4

2. Eager To Achieve
19 minutes 01 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,083.8 MB
Mura has been invited to visit her boss's house, ostensibly to discuss the upcoming selection of a new head of department. He also gave the very unusual instruction that Mura should come to the house with a full bladder. It's a very strange request, but she is eager to win that promotion and does as she is told without question. Once she is with her boss, however, it transpires that he does not want to let her use the bathroom; rather, he wants her to stand before him with a very full bladder and hold it, so that he can watch her squirm in desperation. Still with an eye to that promotion, Mura agrees. Her conviction starts to falter when he also asks her to remove her clothes, thinking now that going through the normal selection process might be the best idea. When the boss hints that Susan in accounts is highly qualified and might get it instead, Mura begins to undress, dealing with the combined embarrassments of bursting for a pee and exposing her body in front of a man she really doesn't know all that well. For the sake of the job, she continues to do as instructed, removing one garment after another until she is wearing only her panties. The boss now wants her to stand there for another ten minutes before allowing her to use the bathroom. Mura struggling frantically to control herself but she is incredibly desperate to pee. She dances and squirms and holds herself, hoping she can make it. She is almost there when the boss decides to extend her wait by a further five minutes. But she can't. She just can't hold it any longer and wets her panties, apologizing as she does so. At least, after all this humiliation, the boss has promised her the promotion she was so desperate to achieve.

Store: $8.99 ... ct_id=2178

Teaser: ... chieve.mp4

Mura Suru: Set 7 (MP4) - 36 minutes

Store: $14.99 ... ct_id=2180

Mura's Page:
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