You Have To Let Me Pee (2K/4K) - Vonka Romanov

A place to discuss female desperation
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You Have To Let Me Pee (2K/4K) - Vonka Romanov

Post by davidb2b »

you_have_to_let_me_pee_800.jpg (125.89 KiB) Viewed 925 times
Vonka arrives home desperate to piss and finds a man trying to pick the lock on her front door. When she confronts him, he throws her over his should and carries her towards the woods. When he finds a suitable tree, he handcuffs Vonka to it despite her protestations that she badly needs to pee. As he walks away, she loses control and pisses in her jeans and her boots, soaking herself and making her situation even more uncomfortable. When the man comes back for her, she has to deal with the humiliation of having him see her in her wet pants.

2K: 8 minutes 08 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 474.5 MB
4K: 8 minutes 08 seconds - 3840x2160 pixels - MP4: 916.0 MB

Store: $5.99 ... ct_id=2103

Teaser: ... me_pee.mp4

Vonka's Page:
you_have_to_let_me_pee_k_800.jpg (118.67 KiB) Viewed 925 times

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