Sophie's Night Out (Fiction)

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Sophie's Night Out (Fiction)

Post by Calling_Card »

A/N: Let me know what you think of this one! Any other suggestions or comments, feel free to post or DM.

The heat of the summer never dies with the sun. The tradeoff for a mild winter was always a brutal summer, and every year Sophie found herself praising the warm winter and cursing the hot summer. Still, without the egregious heat of the day, walking along with a cool night breeze had its own charm. Parked, nondescript cars lined the streets on either side, nearly as plentiful as the bars and restaurants that occupied the buildings on either side of the street. The occasional honk from an impatient driver and squeal of old breaks gave the lively city its own ambiance. Maybe it wasn’t so bad.

It wasn’t so bad to have friends either. Walking along side Sophie was her friend Nicole, and the two pushed past the busy streets together. A fancy restaurant, an outdoor patio, the balcony of an apartment, it didn’t matter. Sophie could feel the gaze of others. Was it empowering? Of course. Was it annoying? Sometimes. It was certainly more exciting to capture the gaze of those enjoying their meals at the fancy restaurant, that those who were buttoned up in their white-collar roles would be thinking those thoughts about the tattooed girl walking the streets. To steal the gaze of a married man was enticing. But to think that some of their wives, bored with their lives and wine, were also trying to peek under Sophie’s skirt, that was exhilarating. Better still was the gaze of both. The very idea that a married couple might have plans for the young woman should they meet her. That was why she wore her short black skirt.

To match Sophie wore her black top, its straps just held her breasts in place, with enough room for a small midriff. Her slim belly felt the same cool night air that her shoulders did. Her black boots plodded along the concrete, their noise just audible over the sounds of the street.

“New jeans?”

Sophie asked Nichole a question, attempting to hide the fact that she was looking at her friends ass

“No? Literally wore these like a day ago.”

“Oh. They look good. Match the top.”

Nichole spun around, now walking with her back to the street, knowing the route by heart.

“You’re going to kill it tonight, I feel so basic.”

“I’m just here for the music and to get wasted, actually all I want out of tonight.”

“Surree…like you won’t abandon me.”

With a sly smile Sophie admitted “When have I ever done that before?”

Nichole smiled back and spun back around without saying a word. Sophie continued

“Literally anytime you can think of basically doesn’t count so the answer is never.”

The two rounded the corner, enjoying the banter between them. As they did so, the blaring music and line to get into the best dive in town came into view.

The place was busy, but not packed yet. As the two friends stopped at the back of the line to get into the bar, Sophie was washed with the sounds of an early 2000s cover band. Leaning over to Nichole, Sophie asked a rhetorical question

“Dude, nowhere else plays anything this hardcore, what’s up with that?”

Nichole shrugged “I’m not complaining. Love this place.”

The two returned to silence as Sophie scanned the outside of the building. The line moved up by one. A small outdoor area let patrons smoke and vape if they wanted to, as well as hold a conversation away from the sounds of a crowded bar. It was nearly impossible to see inside the building. The windows were tinted, blacked out with white text advertising the business. The line moved up again. A small board with drink special written in chalk stood in front of the door. Sophie didn’t really care to read it, she almost always got the same thing. Nichole spoke

“Hey I’m going to use the bathroom once we get inside, do you mind getting drinks? I’ll get the second round.”

Sophie agreed, the two had hydrated and drank a little beer before walking over, and some of the liquid had begun to nestle in her bladder. It didn’t surprise her that Nichole was feeling the same.
The line moved again, the anticipation of getting inside and a great night was just in front of them. The bouncer checked their IDs and let them through, stamping both their hands.

The dark and dim light of the place was a smooth transition from the streetlights and nightlife of the outside. Aside from the packed bar, which was already lined with patrons, the interior sported two arcade machines, a pool table, multiple dart boards and TVs. Better still was the comfy lounge setup with large couches and a coffee table. A board game rested on top of it. All of these games and the people which were using them created one cramped alley that led to the outside and to the bathrooms. Already a small line had formed for the women and Nichole found herself at the back of it. Splitting briefly, Sophie walked her way up to the bar, telling herself that she’d visit the restroom too as soon as Nichole got back.
A small congregation of people stood at the bar. It was hard to tell who was waiting on a drink and who was making friends. A group of men turned and left, beer cans and shots in their hands. One of them looked at Sophie’s black, strategically ripped stockings. His eyebrows raised. Intimidated, he wasn’t able to actually say anything to her, and instead tailed his friends to wherever they were going. A little bit of pride for Sophie.

Recognizing the bartender, who greeted her with the same energy, Sophie ordered two green tea shots and a stout for herself. As per usual, the bartender had her big boobs on display, with short shorts that hardly counted as shorts. It was a pleasant sight.
While she waited for her drinks, Sophie couldn’t help but feel a slight twinge in her bladder again. It was another dull warning, and one that she planned to heed in a moment. It was then that she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning around, it was Nichole, a smile on her face.

“What’d you get us?”

“What do you think?”

“Not green tea?”

“I told you I wanted to get fucked up tonight!”

The two laughed as the bartender brought over the three drinks. Nichole ordered something cheap, Sophie couldn’t really hear what it was, but it was on tap. The two tapped their plastic cups together and downed their shots in an instant. Smooth. Sophie could feel the liquid run down her throat. As pleasant as ever. Nichole ordered another round of them as the bartender brought her over her drink. Sipping her beer, Sophie wandered away from the bar, casually making her way towards the restroom.

The line had only gotten longer and was starting to bleed into the alley between the cramped activities inside the bar and the path outside it. Occasionally, Sophie would move out of the way for someone to pass by. She took another sip of beer, the liquor blessing her insides with a pleasant warmth. Nichole walked by, hardly keeping the two extra green tea shots in her hand along with her own beer. She set them down on a small round table by a dart board and invited Sophie over with a hand motion. Taking another sip of beer, Sophie motioned that she was waiting in line, but Nichole persisted. Clearly feeling the effects of their pregame and the first round, Nichole left her own beer on the table and walked over to Sophie, green tea shots in hand.

“Really? Let me pee first.”

“You’ll live. Here.” Nichole handed her a shot

Rolling her eyes but not complaining, Sophie touched her plastic to Nichole’s and downed a second shot. Just as smooth as the first.
The bathroom line moved considerably. A group of women all went in at once, and given that the bathroom had just one toilet, Sophie sighed. Predictably, it was going to take a while, despite the movement.

Having moved back to the small table, Nichole was sipping her beer slowly, watching two men play darts nearby. Sophie couldn’t help but wonder if Nichole was interested in one of them, or was just looking for something to do. It didn’t really matter either way but it gave Sophie something to think about while the line stayed static. At least her bladder had stopped bothering her, or at least, at this point it didn’t. Her pregame beer, water and green tea shots were still collecting in her large bladder but at the very least the green tea was starting to numb her. The normal slow burn of a building bladder was no where to be found. As if the feeling of the organ had reversed itself. In her quickly numbing state it seemed like less of a priority. Still, as she began to gulp down her beer, Sophie knew in the back of her mind that she was going to need to relieve herself.
Just then she heard Nichole cheer. One of the guys she was watching had won, and she had a huge smile on her face. She motioned her hand to Sophie, who again pointed out that she was in line for the bathroom. Nichole finished her beer and walked right over to Sophie

“C’mon, Niall just beat his buddy at darts for us.”

“Us?” Sophie finished her beer

“Yeah, if he won then they had to dance with us and if Darren won they had to buy us more shots.”

“Why’d you do that?”

“Cuz they’re cute and I wanted to dance.” Nichole grabbed Sophie’s arm “Now c’mon!”

As she was dragged out of line, Sophie tossed her cup into a nearby trashcan. Dancing sounded fun but not at the expense of Sophie’s bladder. As she followed her friend outside, it threw a tantrum. The stored piss in her pressed against her opening, making itself much more known than it had been. Her sensitive muscles countered the attack, but Sophie wished her friend had been a little more considerate. To make matters worse, the large group of women just exited the bathroom as she left. Sophie had been so close.

The pleasant night air hit her again. Bathing her shoulders and stocking clad legs in the natural feeling, it was quite enjoyable. The outdoor area had a small stage, a cover band was currently preforming. In front of the stage was an open area where plenty of people where moving and shaking, dancing the night away. To the left of the open area was an outdoor bar, and between the building and the fenced-in outdoor area were plenty of tables. Some were available.

Without knowing either of the two guys, Sophie opted to distance herself in the crowd a little. Nichole had obviously taken a liking to one of them and more or less took his attention away. Wading through the crowd of people, she found a decent spot. Planting herself in place, Sophie’s first serious wave of desperate pressure pressed against the walls of her shaved pussy. The additional effort that it took for her to hold her filled bladder caused her to bobbed her knees than actually dance. She kind of gyrated her hips, but it was more so to hold off the urge to pee. With each passing second it grew, her desperation more delayed by the alcohol than actually numbed. Now as she stood, the shots, beer and water had all met in her rapidly filling bladder. Sophie had to pee, and it was only getting worse.

As she danced in place, nursing her filling bladder, Sophie felt a presence near her. One of the two guys that Nichole had met was dancing closer to her. He nodded, and she acknowledged him. More so to be friendly than anything else. Stuck in an odd place, Sophie could feel the weightlessness of a filling bladder, but without the slow burn of it pressing against her more sensitive areas. The bald man moved a little closer, shouting over the music to introduce himself.

“I’m Darren”

“Sophie” The two moved their hips, swaying together, though Sophie’s movements were more to distract herself

“Your friend seemed to like my buddy.”

Sophie nodded. She liked the music and wanted to listen to it more than talk. Distracting herself from her bladder, she crossed and uncrossed her legs. Bouncing as she danced, her butt attractively wiggling as she did. Darren continued to talk

“Do you mind if we move closer? My friends had a few and I don’t want to lose sight of him.”

Slightly creeped out by the comment, Sophie gave Darren a look, unsure of his implication. Darren clarified

“He usually wonders and gets more beer. He really shouldn’t have anymore.”

Sophie nodded in understanding. Complying with Darren's request, the two of them walked back towards the last place they saw Nichole and Niall. Still trying to remain subtle and social Sophie used her strength to hold her sensitive muscles tight. Thankfully, neither Nichole nor Niall had gone too far. Both were swinging and swaying, clearly feeling each other’s vibe as they did so. For Sophie and her bladder, she took to shifting her weight back and forth while holding back her pee. Finding herself balling her fists and then relaxing them again, she hoped the new sensation would take away from the pressure in her abdomen. Breathing confidently through the waves of desperation, she tried to be more free with her hands. She touched her hair. Trying to pay attention to the music but her mind returned her again and again to her desperation.
She heard voices. Darren and Niall talking. Whatever it was about, she couldn’t hear, but she did hear Nichole

“I’ll get them! We were doing green tea shots earlier!”

Sophie jumped in, trying to hold off her desperate movements. A shot was not what her bladder needed.

“No, no. We don’t need anything.”

Darren agreed “Bro you’ve had plent-“

“Lighten up man.” His buddy cut him off “issss just another shot…then i-im ddonne. Promise.”

Darren pushed back “Don’t embarrass yourself. You’re having fun already, why ruin it?”

“Yeah!” Sophie backed Darren “We can all hang out, it’s cool. Don’t need any more.”

It was for her own bladder’s preservation, but if it helped this stranger have a better night, then it was a win for all involved. Continuing to shift her weight from one hip to the other as she sort of danced, the pressure in her bladder forced her to continue to ball her fists together rhythmically. At least it kept her situation subtle. Nearly tickling her genitals, her piss pushed on her abdomen. Sophie was forced to squeeze her most private muscles as she stood, at least it’d be more than enough to hold it until she could get out of this situation. That is, until Nichole offered

“No it’s cool! I’ll grab them!”

“Hey!” Sophie tried to talk over the music and speak with some authority “Does he really need any more?”
Darren grabbed his friend by the shoulders, hoping he wouldn’t cause a scene. Niall seemed more confused than anything, like he wanted to agree but his manhood wouldn’t let him. He didn’t say a word. Nichole did

“I thought you wanted to get wasted? It’s fine, you guys grab a table.” Without waiting for a response she was gone

“Wasted!” Niall threw his hands up “Wooo!” At least he was a happy drunk

For poor Sophie’s bladder, the news of more liquor forced her to counter by crossing her legs. Discreetly she put her hands to her hips. Growing just as fast as her desperation was her concern and she bit her lip. Just enough that the new sensation might distract her. Darren offered to find a table, and lead the drunk Niall to find one with the desperate Sophie right behind them.

Quickly a long wooden picnic table with bench seats was found. Wanting, no needing to find an excuse to use the restroom, Sophie could feel the force of a full bladder bare down on her tight snatch. It was as though lightning had stuck her privates from her bladder. A heavy, indescribable weight pressed on her opening. She needed to abandon these two. At the same time, she felt responsible to help Darren. Each passing second made it worse. Balancing her personal need with the social need to help manage a drunken acquaintance both competed for her attention. Nichole would be mad if Sophie left them. Her bladder would be mad if she made it wait any longer.

“You like this kind of music?” Darren asked, Niall was on his phone

“Of course.”

Sophie could have tried to focus on the conversation but she instead opted to tense her muscles. Stiff as a statue. Her bladder felt hard. The mounted pressure was crushing her privates.

“Let me guess your least favorite band.”

It was an odd question, but at least it was unique. The short bald man had a personality at least. Too bad Sophie was battling her bladder.

“Shoot” She gave him the go ahead, might be fun to see what he came up with

“Hmmm” Closing his eyes, Darren feigned concentration

As he did so, Sophie grimaced. She rubbed her free hand across her abdomen. It felt as though every muscle was active in a desperate struggle against herself. No longer was her bladder simply suggesting that she find a time to relieve it, it was now demanding she do so. Sophie started to bounce her stocking clad legs. Just crossing them was no longer helping. She was hoping Nichole would get back soon.

“Falling in reverse” Darren had his answer


“Your least favorite band.”

Sophie was too focused on her gnawing desperation to focus on Darren’s clever conversation.

“Actually, I don’t hate them.” She paused, squeezing her sensitive womanly lips together and cross her legs “Honestly I kind of hate Gob more” She took a moment to uncross her desperate legs “They have like one good song and everything else sounds like middle school music.”

“What? What does that even mean?”

As Sophie answered the question, she couldn’t help but shift and cross her legs in another way. She felt bloated; heavy even, and she had no idea how long she’d been waiting for Nichole. She felt as though her enthusiasm had dropped, as she was now focused almost entirely on holding back her floodwaters. For now she had to relied on the ability of her most delicate muscles. They were usually enough to save her. She squeezed and contracted her walls in hopes that they could do the trick. She was sure her panties were showing off these contractions. At least they were hidden under her short skirt.

“Sophie?” Darren asked a question. She was distracted; marred in her desperation

“Do you agree?”

“Oh! Um…yeah?” She wasn’t sure she knew what she was agreeing on but so long as she could stall until Nichole got back, she would.
Darren started talking to Niall, checking on him. This gave Sophie time to think of a way out of this awkward conversation as a wave of desperation overtook her. She could feel the pressure of a full bladder, done with her social niceties, press down hard on her genitals. Sophie’s mind drifted again.

Maybe she could focus on the fact that she was being a good friend. At least Darren was doing most of the talking. Sophie couldn’t tell if it was good luck or bad that she only had to focus on her weighty bladder. She swallowed hard. Feeling as though the desperate urge would never leave her. It had won mind, her full attention. She clenched her womanly muscles again, hoping that the pressure would dissipate. It did not. Here to stay, it pressed against her tight muscles. Unable to continue in her subtly, Sophie balled her hand into a fist and pressed it into her thigh, hoping the new sensation would distract her from the tension of her full bladder. It did not. She could feel the heat from her pussy as she dug harder into her thigh.
Her eyes darted about the outdoors. She had to focus. Something, anything that wasn’t her bladder. A person. None. A picture. Maybe. Some sort of TV character. Right on the wall behind Darren. Her eyes burrowing into the photo, Sophie wanted it to distract her from the growing pain in her abdomen. Then relief came. Nichole was back, delicately carrying four shots. She reached the table, unaware or too drunk to notice Sophie’s struggle. That her friend was clutching herself under the table.

Nichole and Sophie each grabbed one. Sophie had to. It was the key that would let her leave the table. The last hurdle before she could find relief. Darren grabbed two and held one away from Niall, who he spoke to like a dog

“Last one.”

Niall reached for it, Darren held it away

“Let me hear it.”

“Last one.” Niall repeated the phrase, and Darren gave him the shot

The group raised the plastic cups, each of the four touching. As they all shot their liquor, Sophie was the only one holding herself. Full of piss, the last thing she needed was more liquid. And yet, here she was. But it was part of the plan. Not a moment had passed after Sophie put her cup down that she announced to the table that she’d be right back. Starting to stand, Nichole grabbed Sophie’s arm

“Where are you going?”

“I have to piss. So. Fucking. Bad. I will be back.” Sophie spoke through gritted teeth hoping it was a whisper

Nichole immediately let go of the now slightly embarrassed Sophie’s arm. As Sophie rose from her seat, an indescribable weight pulled her torso down, and she gasped as she felt a rush of hot liquid run towards her opening. She clenched, tighter than before. Her thighs touched. Still dry. Moments later, another wave of desperation came over her, this one stronger than before. She felt a hot, burning sensation as she fought hard to counter the strong urge to pee. It was almost indescribable. A minuscule, tiny fraction of a dribble may have leaked out. Sophie wasn’t sure it happened. Maybe it hadn’t, hopefully it hadn’t. Her mind wasn’t convinced. For her, that’s all it took. Sophie assumed that a spirt of pee escaped into her panties. She recrossed her legs quickly as she bent forward, and act that the two men should have seen, but Darren was trying to keep Nial’s attention as the drunken friend was starting to ramble. It gave him little time to observe Sophie’s desperation. Not that the act went unnoticed.

Nichole had seen it unfold.

Without another word, Sophie hustled inside. She had to make it. As she walked, her twitching muscles gave away her current desperation, the façade and social mask crumbling under the weight of her desperation.

Getting back inside, there was an occupied table, and Sophie turned her body to try and move around them. The woman at the table gave her a bit of a dirty look, obviously annoyed at her need to accommodate the desperate Sophie. Mouthing an apology, Sophie’s hands quickly went back to her thigh, clutching her stockings as her pee forced itself down on her snatch. Her insides felt heavy. Now impossible to ignore. There was a line. Longer than before. She could have predicted it. But she had come too far to give up now. She’d win this. She’d master her desperation. It was just a matter of will.

Walking up to the line, she could feel the eyes of the other patrons on her. Maybe her mind was playing tricks. She stood straight as she reached the back of the line. A deep breath. Clenching her jaw and balling her fists again and again, Sophie crossed her legs. Unable to remain subtle in her movements, she had no choice but to place her hand over her short skirt, holding her black panties underneath. One hand firmly pressing into her crotch, the other was snaked around her backside, and held her tender slit from the back. Slower than a snail, the line hardly moved. A cold hand of fear gripped Sophie’s heart. Spanning the length of her body like a web, a weightless feeling enraptured her arms. Her extremities tingled. They were cold. What was drunkenness and what was the incredible force of piss desperation was impossible to tell. Nearly every brain function was focused on preventing her bladder from relaxing. Every second she had to wait seemed to exponentially fill her bladder. Her ability to wait was dwindling, twitching, clutching and grasping herself she tried to stray dry.

Sophie could feel her long legs contracting towards her body. Her kneecaps touched. Anything to feed different sensations to her bladder, anything to counter the mounting pressure. Sophie had never felt so insecure. Her stomach, which she regularly spent time trying to tone and slim, was now bulging. It was as hard as a rock, tight with a force and a pressure that her mind could hardly comprehend. The line moved by one. She was so far. But so close. She could do it, she knew she could. She felt dizzy. Clammy. Sweaty. If it was the fear of having an accident or the alcohol she didn’t know. Frankly it didn’t matter.

Sophie squirmed and wiggled in the slow moving line, keeping her hand against her crotch. In a way she was jealous. Nichole didn’t have to struggle. She didn’t have to worry. But here Sophie was. Punished for some sort of misdoing. She was sure of it. It was the only reason why she was stuck holding on to a full bladder. Her liquids needed to make their way out, and her denial had only made her bladder angrier. Taut with the strain of holding a full bladder, her anxiety was starting to take hold. It wasn’t the fullness of her bladder that worried her, it was the mental battle with herself that she was unwilling to fight.

A few heads were turned, both male and female, trying the gauge if the cute girl in the gothic skirt was about to wet her panties. Sophie could swear that she felt a dampness at her crotch. She wasn’t convinced if it was sweat or piss but something had leaked into her panties. The dizzying effects of her liquor and the sounds of the bar didn’t help. She felt a hand on her back. Nichole.

“Hey…hey! Are you ok?”

“I…I don’t think I c-can…”

“Darren’s taking Niall home. I think we should head home too.”


“The line is slow, it’s like a ten minute walk home. It’ll be good for you.”

Sophie could only whimper in response

“It’ll be faster. I’ve already paid the tab, c’mon.”

It’ll be faster. That’s all Nichole had to say to convince Sophie to join her. Trusting her friend, Sophie gingerly walked out of the bar and back into the night air.

She tried to draw in some deep breaths. Focus. Walking to her right and back towards home Sophie could feel the eyes of others on her. It couldn’t distract her from the pent up piss she was holding. Her steps were heavy, slow. Careful. Each jolt was a shockwave to her bladder. Every step on the concrete turned her discomfort into pain. Another breath. In and out.

There may have been room inside her lungs to expand, but it didn’t feel like it. The pain of her feet hitting the ground was starting to pale in comparison to the nerves that felt like they were on fire. With each step she risked leaking her hot pee into her panties. Each passing step took her home. Away from all of this. Towards the residential area she went. Her only hope of making it was home. The strain and stress was too much. A little escaped her defenses and was absorbed by her panties. A small dribble that was just a fraction of the ocean of pee inside her. Quickly Sophie could feel a forceful spurt spray out of her slit. It made its way past her clenched labia and splashed into her panties, soaking through the damp fabric and running into her stockings.

With few options, she looked for an alley. Anyplace she could squat. She was more or less convinced that she wasn’t going to make it. Nothing. A moist, warm sensation as a gentle leak rolled out of her as she slowly walked. Another. An expanding wetness ran down Sophie’s leg. A small drop or two made it through the fabric and onto the sidewalk below. A spot on the concrete. It was too much. Sophie stopped and held herself tight, hinging at her hips. Her knees knocking.

“I-I-I can’tIcan’tIcan’t” Sophie’s voice was a whisper

Nichole stopped, her friends voice just audible

“You can, it’s going to be-“

Piss began to glisten as it ran down the inseam of Sophie’s stockings. Splattering on the concrete, Sophie was just able to regain control by plunging her hands into her crotch and stopping for a moment. A small puddle under her. They were at the fancy restaurant. With the time of night it was now empty. Just around the corner there was a small alley. Just enough. Her last ditch effort to hold back her doomed bladder. Keeping her hands buried in her crotch, Sophie took off in a sprint, the last of her strength was summoned to keep her dry. Slowly she leaked as she ran, droplets marking the sidewalk behind her. Boots hit the concrete of the sidewalk, then the pavement of the alley.

Quickly rounding the corner, Sophie put her back on the wall as the last of her grip slipped away. Feeling the course brick of the fancy building against her back, Sophie was starting to pee her panties. It started quick, the first stream breaking through the fabric and splashing loudly onto the ground. She gripped her now soaking underwear and yanked them aside without a conscious thought. By the time she was in a half squat, piss was rocketing forth. A loud hiss erupted from her tired muscles. Her strong, clear stream of piss sprayed out of her so quickly that it bounced off of the pavement below. Drips and drops kicked up from the ground onto her boots and droplets of her warm urine splashed her exposed labia as she was unable to settle into a full squat. Gripping her soaked black panties, Sophie tried to keep them out of the spray. The rapidly expanding puddle below her ran under her boots and towards the edge of the sidewalk. A dark color, it housed a few bubbles the slid along the small rivulets that broke away from the main flood. Sophie closed her eyes and sighed. The relief was unimaginable, orgasmic, almost.
Nichole couldn't believe what she was seeing. She could only watch in horror as her friends act was laid bare before her. From her visible ass to her pissing pussy, watching it all was surreal. Sophie closed her eyes, trying to take in her relief.

“I…I’m sorry.” Nichole felt embarrassed as she watched “I had no idea it was that bad.”

Sophie leaned back, the jet of desperately held pee splashing the toilet water. Her breathing was still heavy, her body not registering her relief. She felt like a primitive woman. Naked almost. She felt good, and that’s all she knew. She exhaled.
Her stream seemed to slow for a moment, but Sophie contracted her bladder muscles again and the stream that was exiting her pee hole resumed with the same force that it had started with. The hissing sound that was erupting from her thighs resumed. She exhaled deeply and opened her eyes.
As her forceful stream started to trickle and drip, Sophie surveyed the damage. Her skirt was still remarkably dry from what she could see, but her panties were ruined. They were close to home. She dropped them. Nichole gave her a look

“Someone gets a souvenir”

The two broke out into a laugh, Sophie more so out of ecstasy than anything else. Their adventure over, the two friends left behind a massive puddle and a soaked pair of black panties. As they walked comfortably back home, Sophie could feel her bare pussy, as if she was more aware of it. The occasional person would pass by, completely unaware that she was exposed. Feeling the cool air on her snatch was different. But not bad. The friends looked at each other and smiled. It had been quite the night.

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