Jayne Kept Waiting (2K upscaled) - 2 clips in 1

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Jayne Kept Waiting (2K upscaled) - 2 clips in 1

Post by davidb2b »

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The two videos presented together have previously been remastered, but at a time before I had the Topaz software which makes a much better job of upscaling than Final Cut Pro. The reason for creating this video was to feed the ever-hungry Clips4Sale machine which helps to elevate sales there. I shall do more of these in the future, not just Jayne but for other models too.

1. Waiting For The Principal
Jayne Smith is a bad pupil. She keeps turning up at school in a skirt that is far too short. She has already received several warnings about it, Waiting Jayne - Waiting For the Principal but she continues to turn up dressed to drive the boys crazy. She is summoned to the Principal's office to receive a stern lecture and he will meter out a suitable punishment. It's no surprise that Jayne arrives late for her disciplinary session, and when she does turn up the Principal is busy. The Principal's personal assistant tells her she must wait until he is able to see her. Jayne complains about needing to visit the bathroom, but the PA tells her to stay put, warning that if she leaves and the principal finds her gone, she will be suspended. Knowing that she is already in enough trouble, Jayne decides to do as she is told and sits wiggling and pacing outside the Principal's office for what seems like an hour. Her desperate grows worse and worse until she thinks her bladder is about to burst. She tells the PA that she simply MUST visit the bathroom, but still he refuses to let her go. Unable to contain the pints of pee in her swollen bladder any longer, she finally loses control all over the floor, just as the PA returns to tell her that the Principal can see her now.

2. Waiting Her Turn
Jayne is waiting outside the bathroom at a party when someone comes in trying to get away from the heat and the noise. He stays only for a few minutes, then leaves Jayne alone to wait for the bathroom to be vacated. Unfortunately, the woman in there is taking an incredibly long time, and Jayne is absolutely bursting to pee. She keeps knocking on the door and asking the woman to hurry up, and while the woman replies that she is hurrying, the waiting time just gets longer and longer. The woman emerges just in time, allowing Jayne to dash into the toilet, tear down her tights and panties and release a torrent of pee into the pan. Phew, that was a a very close call!

27 minutes 30 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,522.3 MB

Store: $8.99
https://www.bound2burststore.com/store/ ... ct_id=2028

https://www.bound2burst.net/movies/clip ... aiting.mp4

Jayne’s Page:

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