Just Too Late (4K upscaled) - Cadence Lux & Laci Star

A place to discuss female desperation
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Just Too Late (4K upscaled) - Cadence Lux & Laci Star

Post by davidb2b »

just_too_late_4k_upscaled_800.jpg (107.25 KiB) Viewed 28155 times
Cadence and Laci are driving along roads in the middle of nowhere. They are both desperate to pee but they can find no gas station, convenience store or public toilets where they could stop to relieve themselves. Both at bursting point, they start looking for somewhere to pull off the road where they can dash into the trees and go without making puddles on the car seats. At last they find a place to stop and both jump out. They run towards the woods but they just can't hold on - both girls start to wet themselves only a few steps away from the road; any passing driver would see them wetting their pants. Relieved but anxious not to be seen, the girls return to the car and peel off their wet jeans. Cadence resumes driving with nothing on her bottom half while Laci sits wrapped in a towel. They'd better hope no truck driver decides to pass them!

6 minutes 38 seconds - 3840x2160 pixels - MP4: 760.3 MB

Store: $3.99
https://www.bound2burststore.com/store/ ... ct_id=2022

https://www.bound2burst.net/movies/clip ... scaled.mp4

Cadence’s Page:

Laci’s Page:

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