Mura Suru: Set 3 (MP4) - 39 minutes 49 seconds

A place to discuss female desperation
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Mura Suru: Set 3 (MP4) - 39 minutes 49 seconds

Post by davidb2b »

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Mura's Holding Ordeal
28 minutes 03 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,649.3 MB
We asked Mura to chain herself to the wood stove when already desperate to pee, and to hold it as long as she possibly could. She understood that she could not pee on the carpet under any circumstances, and that she would just have to hold it until she received a vessel to urinate into. Desperate from the start, Mura squirms and pee dances throughout as she struggles to resist the urge to pee. Obviously, it gets steadily harder as the minutes crawl by, and she soon starts asking for the vase to relieve herself. She is denied, more than once, and has to continue controlling herself, all the while getting closer and closer to the moment when the pressure on her bladder will overcome her muscles. By the time she gets the vase, she is frantic to piss and only just manages to hold it for long enough.

Store: $9.99 ... ct_id=1958

Teaser: ... ordeal.mp4

Another One On One With Mura

11 minutes 46 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 691.8 MB
Having failed to last for the requested period of twenty minutes on her first attempt at not peeing while sitting on the toilet, Mura is placed back in the same situation, this time determined to make it. As before, she starts out urgently needing to piss and fights to resist the urge to lift the toilet lid and let it all go. As before, however, the power of suggestion imposed by being in the bathroom plays havoc with her good intentions, and very soon she is on the verge of release. Lasting only a little longer than on her first attempt, Mura quickly opens the lid and enjoys the relief of a long pee.

Store: $6.99 ... ct_id=1959

Teaser: ... h_mura.mp4

Mura Suru: Set 3 (MP4) - 39 minutes 49 seconds

Store: $14.99 ... ct_id=1960

Mura’s Page:

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