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Means of making contact

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 12:36 pm
by davidb2b
If you need to contact me about a problem with a video you have purchased, such as a missing file or incomplete download, please do so by using my email address displayed on Bound2Burst and send the message from the email address you used to make the purchase. It would also be great if you could quote an order number, or give me a title. It helps me locate your purchase.

If you use the contact link in the B2B Store, it has the unfortunate effect of stripping away any information about you, including your email. I therefore receive messages which state something like: "I can't download my video." That's it. From this, I don't know who you, which store you purchased from, what you purchased, or even when you purchased it (some people wait a month to report a problem). Because there's no email address, I have nothing to go on. Your request, if I even see it, can't be acted upon. Which brings me to the second issue with the store contact link. It is heavily used by spambots, despite the recaptcha, and because some people have the unfortunate habit of using silly subject lines, their message becomes indistinguishable from spam. The email account I use is very good at filtering out spam, so there's a good chance I will never even see your message.