Autumn Remastered Set (MP4) - 2 hours 9 minutes

A place to discuss female desperation
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Autumn Remastered Set (MP4) - 2 hours 9 minutes

Post by davidb2b »

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Bursting Bank Manager Remastered
21 minutes 48 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,091.5 MB
Autumn is an Assistant Bank Manager who gets up in the early morning to use the bathroom, only to find an intruder waiting for her. It transpires that he needs her to log in to the bank's computers and transfer money to his Swiss bank account. He has thoughtfully brought along his own laptop for her to use. Autumn stalls, fearing the consequences of giving in to this man's demands, but at the same time she is bursting to pee and he won't let her use the bathroom until the transaction is complete. Unfortunately, each step in the process is on a timer which means long waits between code entries. During this time, Autumn pee-dances and squirms, sits on her foot, paces up and down, crosses her legs, doing everything she can think of to help her hold it until she is allowed to use the bathroom. The process takes so long, however, that her muscles give way and pee literally explodes out of her all over the kitchen floor. Before he leaves, the intruder locks the still naked Autumn in the basement to prevent her reaching a phone to call for help before he has made good his escape.

Store: $6.99 ... ct_id=1906

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

Problem With the Plumbing Remastered
14 minutes 37 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 731.3 MB
Autumn arrives home after a long day of waitressing. She is tired and she is bursting to pee. She finds her boyfriend (who is a plumber) relaxing in the kitchen, and asks him if he has finished work on the bathroom. He says not quite and seems reluctant to get back to it. When Autumn starts to get annoyed, he returns to his work, leaving her holding on waiting for him to finish. She makes tea as she is waiting for access to the bathroom, anything to take her mind off her predicament, but things are becoming serious and she goes along to the bathroom to find out how much longer the boyfriend is going to be before reconnecting whatever it is he needs to reconnect. He tells her he is almost done, and Autumn goes back to her cup of tea, drinking it in spite of herself. Suddenly, her desperation is too great and, even while pacing up and down, she starts to wet herself. She can't stem the flow, so she completely soaks her legs and tights as she pees on the floor. Annoyed now, she shouts out to the boyfriend and tells him to take his time.

Store: $5.99 ... ct_id=1907

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

Public Bathroom Phobia Remastered
16 minutes 32 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 827.3 MB
Autumn is a secretary on her first day at a new company. The boss is very kind and accommodating, making sure she is settling in alright and has everything she needs. Autumn chooses this moment to confess to him that she has a phobia about using public toilets, and that she will need to go home at lunch time to use her own bathroom. The boss is rather surprised by her statement and wonders why she did not bring up this issue during her interview. He tells Autumn that, as a new employee, she will have the 1-2 pm lunch spot, and that long-time employees get to take the 12-1 slot. She says that's fine and gets back to work. A few hours later, the boss brings Autumn a cup of coffee, a kind gesture but one not entirely welcomed by a woman whose bladder is starting to feel uncomfortable. Time passes and Autumn grows desperate to pee, but there is no way she is going to use the ladies room at the office. At 20 minutes before one, the boss explains that he is going out to a meeting, and that Autumn must hold the fort until the rest of the staff return from lunch. The girl is now very desperate to pee and asks if she could leave early, but the boss explains again that the offices must be covered during the lunch period, and that as the new girl she must stay put until she is relieved. Autumn counts the minutes until one o'clock, but then to her mounting alarm, the other members of staff don't return. She paces and wiggles her legs, fighting the urge to pee, but she is now bursting. At 1:15 she is still alone, and unable to hold it any longer she wets herself beside her desk. She has barely finished when the other staff return. Autumn leaves in embarrassment, saying that she can't do this any more.

Store: $5.99 ... ct_id=1908

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

Locked in a Bank Vault Remastered
9 minutes 54 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 495.5 MB
Autumn is a bank employee who has gone into the vault with a customer, only to have the door accidentally close on them. The door is on a time lock that will not open for hours, and no one knows they are trapped inside the vault. In such circumstances, it is hardly surprising that the urge to pee would assert itself after a while. We join the action where both Autumn and the customer need to use the bathroom, but only Autumn is too desperate to hold it. She tries to hold on discretely at first, but her desperation increases in leaps and bounds until she is forced to keep crossing her legs and squat down to press her heel against her crotch. She wets herself just moments before the vault door opens, and even manages to look embarrassed about her accident.

Store: $4.99 ... ct_id=1909

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

Stranded at the Fair Remastered
8 minutes 32 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 427.5 MB
Autumn has spent a nice afternoon at the fair, but for the last hour or so she has needed to pee. The line for the ladies is enormous and just never gets any shorter. Had she joined the line early on, she might have been able to hold it for long enough to get into a stall, but now it's much too late for that. She will have to drive home, holding it until she can reach her own bathroom. But, horror of horrors, her truck will not start. She calls her boyfriend to come and collect her, but after half an hour he still has not tuened up and Autumn is truly desperate to pee. We pick up this story as Autumn calls her boyfriend back to see where he has got to, then watch her pace and squirm as she is forced to carry on waiting for him to show up. When he still doesn't arrive, she calls him again, her manner now fraught as she fights the urge to wet her jeans. She paces back and forth, but she soon reaches the point where she cannot hold it any longer and her boyfriend is still nowhere in sight. Autumn stands beside her truck and wets herself, then moves around to the far side of the vehicle to get out of sight of the other fair-goers.

Store: $4.99 ... ct_id=1910

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

Housemate in the Shower Remastered
17 minutes 41 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 884.7 MB
Autumn arrives home with a full bladder, intended to dive straight into the bathroom and relieve herself. To her dismay, her housemate (male) is showering, so now she will have to wait a bit longer. She paces around the house, bending her knees, sitting on her heel, gasping as waves of desperation threaten to overwhelm her. She tries to hurry her housemate up but it seems he is in no rush, quite happy to leave her struggling not to wet herself. Her pacing and squirming becomes more frantic as the minutes pass and she gets closer and closer to having an accident. She makes one final bid to hurry her housemate along, but before he emerges from the bathroom, Autumn is forced to wet herself. (Autumn is wearing fishnets and a little black dress for this one, and when she pees it literally forms a curtain between her legs).

Store: $5.99 ... ct_id=1911

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

An Accident For an Accident Remastered
22 minutes 13 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,111.6 MB
Autumn has caused a traffic accident by running into the back of another car. She is uninsured and visits the home of the man whose car she hit to try to persuade him not to involve his insurance company, but to let her pay for the cost of repairs in installments. He is not particularly interested in this, but he does propose another solution. Soon after her arrival, Autumn begins asking for the use of the bathroom because she needs to pee. The guy tells her that he will write off her entire debt to him if she is prepared to stay and not use the bathroom for at least 30 minutes. Autumn says she is desperate to go but the guy is adamant and will accept no other way of settling the issue. Since she doesn't have the money, Autumn reluctantly agrees to hold it, but maintains that she can't wait for half an hour. The guy insists so she does her best, crossing and wiggling her legs, pacing and crossing her legs, squatting down to press her heel into her crotch, everything she can think of to help her hold it. She tries to persuade the guy to let her go since he bladder feels like it is about to explode, but he still refuses. Autumn holds it as long as she can, but before the half-hour is up, her muscles give way and she makes a huge mess on the floor, peeing on her new boots as well.

Store: $6.99 ... ct_id=1912

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

New Bound2Burst Secretary Remastered
18 minutes 17 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 914.9 MB
Autumn has been interviewed for the job of handling Bound2Burst's calls and correspondence, and so far her performance looks very promises. There is still one hurdle to jump, however - she must man the telephones while coping with a full bladder, without leaving her post. She is told to stay put hold it until the boss returns. Desperate to get the job, as well as desperate to pee, Autumn sits and squirms in her chair as she takes calls are tries not to wet herself. Her mounting anxiety is clear in her expression and body language as the time passes and the boss does not return. Approaching bursting point, Autumn does everything she can think of to hold it, without behaving in an unladylike manner (she has been told there are hidden cameras watching her), but she is close to exploding and can hardly concentrate on the phone calls that just keep coming. When Autumn loses control, she spurts between her legs several times before the real flood begins, and when it does start, it goes on for more than a minute. Her bladder had to be so close to bursting before the pressure to empty it overwhelmed it. Even though Autumn could not wait until the boss came back, she made such a valiant attempt that she got the job anyway.

Store: $5.99 ... ct_id=1913

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

Autumn Remastered Set (MP4) - 2 hours 9 minutes

Store: $24.99 ... ct_id=1914

Autumn’s Page:

Remastered 4x3 aspect ratio movies

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