Asked to Wait Remastered (MP4) - Jasmine St James and Scarlett Storm

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Asked to Wait Remastered (MP4) - Jasmine St James and Scarlett Storm

Post by davidb2b »

asked_to_wait_remastered_800.jpg (93.99 KiB) Viewed 17621 times
Jasmine and Scarlett were sent an e-mail at seven in the morning telling them to drink lots of liquid and turn up for their shoot with a full bladder. They both did as requested, and arrived already needing to pee pretty badly. Today, we follow them as they go through the routine of first being delayed outside, then going into the house to change, selecting their panties for themselves. We film them as they change their clothes, then get them to drink more liquid. The stress on their bladders is really starting to tell now, and both girls are squirming constantly. This does not stop them tormenting one another a little with a bit of tickling and bladder poking. Finally, the girls go outside and it is a little cooler than it looks, another factor who makes their desire to pee even stronger. Now the leg crossing and wiggling is really pronounced as they fight to keep holding it for just a little longer. Jasmine is the first to lose control, followed almost immediately by Scarlett - the act of seeing one's companion peeing her jeans has a strong psychological effect! The girls show off their wet jeans at the end of the movie, but don't remove them.

39 minutes 35 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,855.6 MB

Store: $7.99 ... ct_id=1839

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

Jasmine's Page:

Scarlett's Page: ... storm.html

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