New email address

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New email address

Post by davidb2b »

I have finally set up an email address on an encrypted server with the Bound2Burst domain name. Please send any future emails to me at

With effect from July this year, the email account will no longer be active. Google has finally decided to start charging me for this service, and rather send money their way, I would prefer to use a service I already pay for which is fully encrypted, and has the advantage that it is not scanned by all and sundry at Google in order to sell information to their "associates".

While on this subject, you may or may not be aware that Protonmail, the host of, is an end-to-end encrypted email service, and you can open an account there for free. That way, you can write to me in 100% privacy knowing that no one can read your messages, except for the intended recipient. You can email anyone, even if they have non-encrypted accounts, and it still affords you a significant amount of privacy.

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