Hannah Perez Remastered (MP4) - 100 minutes

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Hannah Perez Remastered (MP4) - 100 minutes

Post by davidb2b »

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1. Hannah Just Making It Remastered
Three just made it movies have been combined:
(a) So Very Close
As she hurries down the driveway, she is bursting to pee and looking very anxious, worried that she may not make it to the bathroom in time. By the time she is standing in front of the toilet and pulling her skirt up, she is wiggling her legs as she tries not to lose control before she gets her panties down. She drops onto the toilet and a look of immense relief comes over her face as she relieves herself at last.
(b)Hannah's Gotta Pee!
Hannah plays out the classic can't get into the house while desperate to pee scenario. The clip starts with a brief introduction before Hannah begins acting. She is left to play out the situation as she sees fit, culminating in her squatting down to pee on the lawn.
(c) Until the Last Second
Hannah has decided to hold her pee until the last second, then run to the bathroom. She struggles against the desire to just run to the toilet, holding on despite her serious desperation. When she judges she just can't wait any longer, Hannah hurries to the bathroom, pulls down her panties and sits on the toilet where she pees for an extended period of time, the result of drinking liquids all day and being very hydrated. As much as she pees now, however, she will be desperate to go again on her drive home. Here's hoping she can't find a rest stop in time!
23 minutes 36 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,111.4 MB

Store: $7.99
https://www.bound2burststore.com/store/ ... ct_id=1601

https://www.bound2burst.net/movies/clip ... stered.mp4

2. Almost Naked Wait Remastered
Hannah squirms around holding a full bladder while wearing just a pair of panties. She is clearly struggling to wait and grows increasingly tense as the urge builds up, but at the same time she finds it difficult to actually release. This version is 5 minutes longer than the original, and shows how much trouble Hannah had peeing while being filmed on this occasion. This happens with all the girls from time to time; it's a mental block of sorts. They have to stand still and focus for a while to recover the urge to pee - squirming actually banishes it, which is what it is designed to do of course. When she does finally go, she decides that she has to pull her panties down rather than pee through them. It was a strange day.
18 minutes 44 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 882.8 MB

Store: $6.99
https://www.bound2burststore.com/store/ ... ct_id=1602

https://www.bound2burst.net/movies/clip ... stered.mp4

3. It's An Emergency Remastered
Hannah has just arrived home, switches off her car engine and then tries to unhook her seat belt... only it won't release. She wrestles with it for several minutes before calling a friend for help. He says he will be there in about half an hour, but Hannah is dying to pee. As she sits and waits, she grows more and more desperate to go. She struggles with the belt release, becoming increasingly frantic as she fears she will soon wet herself. She calls her friend again and admits to her predicament, but he is still 15 minutes away. In panic, Hannah fights hard with the belt because she is on the verge of losing control of her bladder. Finally, to her immense relief, the belt comes free, but as she scrambles out of the car the sudden movement is too much and she immediately starts to wet herself before she can lift her skirt and pull down her panties. Her expression is a combination of anguish and relief and she feels hot pee gushing down her legs.
11 minutes 23 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 535.0 MB

Store: $4.99
https://www.bound2burststore.com/store/ ... ct_id=1603

https://www.bound2burst.net/movies/clip ... stered.mp4

4. Body in the Bathroom Remastered
Hannah and her friend are house minding for a couple who are away on vacation. When they enter the house, they discover a body in the bathroom. They conscientiously touch nothing and call the police. Hours later, they are still waiting to be interviewed and Hannah really needs to pee, but of course the bathroom is out of bounds and there is no second lavatory. Unable to leave, Hannah has to wait, and wait. She crosses her legs and squirms uncomfortably as she grows steadily more desperate to go, until she is truly bursting. She stands up, and her partner reminds her that she can't leave. She looks at him, completely distracted, barely away of what he is saying because she has just started to wet herself. She turns away, humiliated as pee runs down her legs and streams over her shoes onto the floor.
9 minutes 26 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 444.6 MB

Store: $3.99
https://www.bound2burststore.com/store/ ... ct_id=1605

https://www.bound2burst.net/movies/clip ... stered.mp4

5. Make the Girl Wet Herself Remastered
Hannah is late for an appointment and has not even stopped to use the bathroom before rushing to her car. Before she can climb in and drive away, however, a man accosts her, compelling her to stand at the back of the car until he gives her permission to leave. Hannah is alarmed at first and then confused when the man refuses to give a reason why he is keeping her there. As she stands just inside her garage with rain pouring heavily just a few steps away, Hannah feels the urge to pee coming on strong. She asks the man if she can go back into the house to use the bathroom but he refuses to let her. She asks if there are people inside her house, robbing her, but still the man will not explain himself - he just keeps her standing where she is. Hannah squirms with her arms folded, growing very anxious as her need to pee gets worse. She keeps trying to persuade the man to let her go but he just keeps refusing. Finally, unable to do anything about it, Hannah wets herself in front of him. Just as she finishes, the man says that everything is no fine and she can be on her way. Hannah demands if this was his intention all along, to make her piss herself, but he walks away without answering her.
14 minutes 48 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 694.2 MB

Store: $5.99
https://www.bound2burststore.com/store/ ... ct_id=1606

https://www.bound2burst.net/movies/clip ... stered.mp4

6. Carjacked Remastered
Hannah pulls up outside her house and quickly hops out of the vehicle. She needs to pee and can't wait to get inside and use the bathroom, except she has to wait. A man steps out in front of her and he is armed. He tells Hannah that he is going to take her vehicle and makes her move away from it onto the lawn. She asks him why he doesn't just take the vehicle and leave, but he explains he is waiting for a friend to join him. This is not the news that Hannah wants to hear, not while she is being threatened and almost frightened enough to pee her jeans. She tries to persuade the carjacker to let her into the house to use the bathroom, but of course he does not want her inside where she might raise the alarm before he and his friend are safely away. As the minutes pass and Hannah's desperation grows, her voice starts to shake a little as she continues trying to get hself indoor before she has an accident, but her assailant will not budge. Hannah begins to look panic-stricken as the realization dawns on her that she is about to lose control. Then it happens. She pisses herself in front of this stranger, soaking her jeans and boots. She says she doesn't want the clothes any more, that they are ruined, so the man orders her to take them off because he would like to take them with him. Hannah pees off boots and jeans just as the man's friend turns up. Humiliated and half naked, she watches as they drive off in her vehicle. To add insult to injury, they have taken her keys and she still can't get into the house.
12 minutes 30 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 587.2 MB

Store: $4.99
https://www.bound2burststore.com/store/ ... ct_id=1607

https://www.bound2burst.net/movies/clip ... stered.mp4

7. Empty Out Before Going Home Remastered
Hannah ends the day by wetting her jeans. She talks to you as she squirms and then releases her pee. She does not produce a big flood but the overall effect is still pleasing. The snowy picture in the original has been corrected during the remaster.
9 minutes 39 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 453.6 MB

Store: $3.99
https://www.bound2burststore.com/store/ ... ct_id=1604

https://www.bound2burst.net/movies/clip ... stered.mp4

Hannah Perez Remastered (MP4) - 100 minutes 06 seconds

Store: $23.99
https://www.bound2burststore.com/store/ ... ct_id=1608

Hannah Perez's Page:

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