Email notification of updates

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Email notification of updates

Post by davidb2b »

It has been some time since I have opened this up. I don't use established mailing update platforms because they are a pain. They will drop my account out of the blue because it doesn't conform to their terms and conditions, which are constantly changing.

The way I do it is just have a list of email addresses of those interested, then when I update, they receive an email from me (which is sent to everyone bcc so no one else sees your email address). If you want me to add you to the list, just write to me at and ask me to include you. Any time you don't want to receive the emails, write and tell me to remove you.

The emails contain no marketing bells and whistles, just the descriptions you see on a site and a photo for the set or individual movie. The frequency is typically once per week, occasionally twice. I very rarely send any other notifications via this method.

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