Sama Remastered

A place to discuss female desperation
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Sama Remastered

Post by davidb2b »

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Fashion Show 1 Remastered
41 minutes 10 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,940.7 MB
Ever wondered what it would be like to watch a fashion show where the model needs to pee? Since this was Sama's first shoot with us, we brought her in with her bladder already uncomfortably full, then asked her to try on all the different outfits she would be wearing during filming. This takes about half an hour, during which time her desperation grows more acute. Before starting the first storyline movie, Sama is asked to put on some jeans and take a walk around, ostensibly to make sure she is sufficiently frantic for relief when filming proper begins. Of course, the poor girl is already bursting, but she valiantly tries to hold on. I have no idea how it happened, but it seems that we made her wait too long!

Store: $7.99 ... ct_id=1498

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

Waiting In White Remastered
12 minutes 47 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 600.7 MB
Wearing a white dress, Sama tells us how badly she needs to pee, shows us the panties she peed in earlier, walks around the garden and plays with the hose pipe, and finally sets on a garden swing chair where she its and pees in her red panties. The camera watches this event in close-up, and it is clear that Sama has been holding a vast amount of pee - the stream goes on and on.

Store: $4.99 ... ct_id=1499

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

Trapped In An Elevator Remastered
21 minutes 36 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,012.3 MB
This version is around 7 minutes shorter than the original.There were too many shots of Sama's legs, something I was prone to doing back in the day. By tightening up the edit, the story moves forward faster. Sometimes, less is more.
Original description: Sama plays Kate, a hospital clerical assistant who arrives back from lunch with an uncomfortably full bladder, and ends up getting stuck in a stalled elevator with a male stranger. A call for assistance yields the news that there are also systems problems in other areas of the hospital, and that the maintenance crew will not arrive for about an hour. Kate realizes she is now in trouble, because she is desperate for relief and knows she will not be able to hold on for that long. The man with her in the elevator, Ken, chats to her as she paces and looks increasingly distressed. He also has a bottle of orange juice and coffee mug with him, and decides to have a drink. He offers Kate some juice, but she declines. The sound of Ken pouring liquid into the cup makes Kate squirm. She makes several more calls to ascertain the progress of the maintenance crew, only to learn that there have been further delays, and that the crew will probably not even be able to get to the stuck elevator for more than an hour. She tells the woman on the other end of the line: "Please, just hurry. It's an emergency." Kate paces back and forth with her arms folded, barely listening to Ken's inane chatter as he repeatedly fills his coffee cup with juice, unwittingly torturing the poor desperate girl. At last, Kate is so desperate that she has to admit to her predicament. She says to Ken: "If I have to hold it any longer, I'll explode!" When she reaches the end of her tether, Ken offers her a solution. The only question is whether or not she's willing to take it. She does of course, but quite a bit of her pee ends up on the floor anyway.
Behind the scenes: 30 seconds

Store: $6.99 ... ct_id=1500

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

Top Up Remastered
21 minutes 27 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,008.3 MB
The is a sequel to Trapped in an Elevator, and it is nearly all behind the scenes material, with the story itself lasting only five minutes. Sama reprises her role as Kate who, having just arrived home from work and in a hurry for the bathroom, finds Ken (the man from the elevator) waiting outside her house. Ken delays her and asks if she will top up the pee in the orange juice bottle that she used to relieve herself in the elevator. This was meant to be a fun little sequence, but it actually comes across as a bit sinister. Nothing nasty happens, but the suggestion of stalking is there. This undesired side-effect is largely negated by the 16-minute-long prologue where Sama is collected from her hotel while bursting to pee (she couldn't even shower for fear of losing control), and she is seen drinking various liquids as she lets us watch her change into her Kate outfit.
Behind the scenes: 16 minutes

Store: $6.99 ... ct_id=1501

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

The Lost Secretary Remastered
22 minutes 21 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,048.7 MB
Another video that benefitted from a tighter edit. A lot of the driving scenes were removed since this is a very familiar backdrop, and the video focuses more on Sama's attempts to find a house where someone would let her in to use the bathroom. Same was without fear and quite happily marched up to several properties and knocked on the door. I believe she had some patter ready in case anyone actually answered, but as it turned out, her attempts went unheeded, which is exactly what we wanted for the story.
Original description: A secretary is sent on an errand to deliver an important package. The delivery has to be made within an hour and so Sama is hurried out of the office by her boss, even though she needs to pee. Out on the road, her desperation mounts as she realizes she has taken a wrong turn. She calls her boss, only to discover that her destination was only a short distance from the office. Sama turns around and manages to get lost. Desperate for relief now, she stops and knocks on the doors of three different houses, hoping to be able to ask for the use of a bathroom before it is too late. Unfortunately, no one answers any of them. Bursting now, Sama resumes driving and looks for somewhere quiet to relieve herself. She can't find a place to pull off on the verge, she resorts to driving along a quieter road. Unable to wait any longer, she hops out and squats beside the door, peeing through her panties in the middle of the road. This movie contains a five-minute preparation scene where Sama is struggling to attached her garter belt to her stockings. During the story, there is also a short intermission where she chats to the camera about how hot it is and how badly she needs to pee. After relieving herself, she drives with her skirt hiked up so that anyone looking in could see her stockings and suspenders. That's Sama!
Behind the scenes: 10 minutes

Store: $6.99 ... ct_id=1502

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

What Are Friends For Remastered

15 minutes 41 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 738.1 MB
It's a nice afternoon and Sama decides to walk home from work in her white summer dress and white heels. Alas, she miscalculates, and even before she is halfway through her forty-minute walk, she is feeling the discomfort of a very full bladder. All she can do is keep walking since the area is residential and there are no public lavatories anywhere. At one point, she goes to check a bus schedule to see if there is any chance of being able to ride the rest of the way home, because she is now too desperate to make it in time. With no buses due for another twenty minutes, she simply cannot stand there and wait, so she walks on, holding the hem of her dress and if she would like nothing more than to lift it, pull down her panties and relieve herself before she is forced to wet herself. Then her luck changes. George, a good friend, recognizes her as he is driving past and stops to offer her a lift. She gratefully accepts, saying to George before she gets into his car, "You're a life saver. I'm about to piss my pants." George cautions her that she had better not do so in his car. Not concentrating on the road, George misses the turning to Sama's house and is forced to follow a long, circuitious route (owing to one-way streets) in order to double back to where she lives. The delay is driving Sama crazy with desperation, and with a bladder ready to explode, she finally turns to her savior and says apologetically, "I'm sorry about your car, George." She turns, kneels, and to George's dismay releases a long stream all over his car seat. George sighs in resignation, but he is not angry. After all, what are friends for?

Store: $5.99 ... ct_id=1503

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

Fashion Show 2 Remastered
20 minutes 08 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 942.5 MB
Sama welcomes us to this set of movies with another fashion show, with greetings in five languages. The format is as before, where she tries on different outfits, and then wets herself in a pair of blue jeans. This set features a lot of lingerie too. There's no doubt that Same was a witty girl and she brought some unusual little twists to her performances.

Store: $6.99 ... ct_id=1504

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

Sama Remastered: Set 1 (MP4) - 155 minutes

Store: $20.99 ... ct_id=1505

Sama's Page:


Goodnight, Sweet Pee Remastered
22 minutes 29 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,051.8 MB
It's the end of a long day. Same has dined and consumed plenty of tea, wine and water. She now really needs to pee again, but some heartless swine slaps her in handcuffs and makes her wait. It seems there is always one more desperation movie to be made! We examine Sama's tummy bulge where her bladder is clearly very full, and we watch her dancing around as she tries to hold on as long as possible. Needless-to-say, no one is going to release her before she is forced to pee in her jeans. That done, we say we're going to leave her out on the deck to dry off, wishing her a goodnight as we close the door. Of course, we do let her back in despite her pee-soaked jeans. However, finding the key to the handcuffs is quite another matter. For a minute near the end, I think Sama was starting to believe the key really had been lost.

Store: $6.99 ... ct_id=1506

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

Captive Escort Remastered
18 minutes 44 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 876.7 MB
The premise of this movie is that Sama is an escort for the evening to the unseen guy, going out for dinner and then home for a few drinks. When she wakes the next morning, she finds herself bound and gagged and holding a full bladder. Sama writhes and mmmppphhhs through her gag to attract attention, but when the guy arrives and she demands to know what the hell her thinks he is doing with her, he does not feel inclined to help her to the bathroom. He says he is off to have some breakfast and will come back to attend to her needs afterwards. Not one to wait around, Sama gets herself into a standing position and hops around looking for a bathroom. When she finds one, she struggles to open the lid and lift her dress. She gains relief, but things don't go quite as planned. The conclusion of this movie shows Sama sitting on the toilet, still gagged, laughing to herself. It seems that her panties are resistant to pee and they won't let most of it through, so she is sitting in pee-filled panties, unable to do too much about it while the camera is still running. Ungagged at last, she holds a conversation with a rather well-known actor who used to play the least secret of all secret agents, James Bond... or at least the first actor to play him. See if you are convinced by the impersonation, if indeed it is an impersonation? We did try to discretely add a pair of scissors to the scene so that Sama could cut the plastic tie from her wrists. Unfortunately, the lack of continuity shows. It would not have helped anyway since, as it turned out, Sama could not cut through the tie, and tossed the scissors down in disgust.
Behind the scenes: 2 minutes

Store: $5.99 ... ct_id=1507

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

The Waiting Game Remastered
12 minutes 05 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 563.0 MB
It is morning, the last day of the shoot and Sama's last move with us. She has rolled out of bed, applied her makeup without showering and dressed herself in sexy lingerie ready for filming. Oh, and she didn't use the bathroom beforehand. Nor did she drink anything. She needed to go pretty badly. As we join Sama, she is sitting in a rocking chair, looking pensive as she chats to the camera. After a minute, she says she is hot (it was over eighty degrees Fahrenheit, or 27 Celcius, outside) and peels off her clothes, then paces up and down wearing only bra, panties, garter belt and stockings, and of course some heels. As the moment of control loss approaches, Sama handcuffs herself to the rocking chair just to make sure she isn't going anywhere... except on the floor, so to speak. She shows off her somewhat yellow panties at the end.

Store: $4.99 ... ct_id=1508

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

Hitchhiker 2 Remastered
15 minutes 42 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 738.3 MB
This theme was explored with a very early model named Alex, who didn't do anywhere near as good a job as Sama at playing the victim. As with everything, Sama brought a lot of energy to her part.
Original description: Sama is thumbing a ride, gets picked up, is then taken captive and is tied up on the back seat of the car. She needs to pee but now she is restrained she can't go without wetting her jeans, so she holds it. Ostensibly left alone, Sama manages to open the car door with her feet, slide out and hop away from the vehicle, demonstrating her amazing sense of balance. To prevent her escape, her captor duct tapes her to a tree, running the tape across her exposed stomach and hence applying additional pressure to her full bladder. There is an out-take here where the man catches Sama hopping away up a steep bank like a jack-rabbit and tries to pick her up in a fireman's lift to carry her back to the car... with disastrous results. He must be getting too old for this stuff! The rest of the behind the scenes material shows Sama chatting and joking, doing a little more hopping, and finally untying her own feet before waddling back to the house in her wet jeans.
Behind the scenes: 6 minutes

Store: $5.99 ... ct_id=1509

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

Can't Get In Remastered
7 minutes 07 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 333.7 MB
Filmed when it was pretty much dark out, I'm surprised the quality is as good as it is. Those old cameras were able to handle very low light levels.
Original description: Sama arrives home late from work, only to discover that she has left her house keys at the office. She calls a colleague and asks him to bring them to her, urging him to hurry because she badly needs to get inside to use the bathroom. Will he arrive in time to help her? We filmed this short movie about 10:30 at night, so the amount of illumination is limited. Nevertheless, you can see the wetness travelling down the leg of Sama's jeans clearly enough. The scenario was her own idea, as was all the dialogue. I didn't even know what she was planning to do for certain.

Store: $2.99 ... ct_id=1510

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

The Survey Remastered
22 minutes 41 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,070.1 MB
Sama plays the role of Paula, a representative from a company called Tropical Travel. She is out promoting the company and taking a survey to find out what potential customers want from a holiday, offering a special travel deal to Hawaii for those who participate. It seems almost too good to be true, and the guy is understandable skeptical. Paula is fidgeting as she tells him all the details and answers his questions, and finally asks for the use of the guy's bathroom. He tells her yes, but then discovers that he has locked himself out of the house. He explains that his wife will be back from shopping soon, and that Paula can relieve herself then. In the meantime, he suggests they continue with the survey. Paula does her best to go on with her presentation, but she is now so distracted that her sentences are becoming disjointed. At last, she declares that she can't wait any longer and hurries off into the woods. We watch her lift her skirt, tug down her pantyhose and go through her panties, afraid to pull these down too in case the guy is watching. As if he would!

Store: $6.99 ... ct_id=1511

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

Sama Remastered: Set 2 (MP4) - 98 minutes

Store: $17.99 ... ct_id=1512

Sama's Page:

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