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Postby Calum » 12 Dec 2010, 20:05

Reading Lola's Twitter page, it appears she was today involved in a serious road accident. I sincerely hope she makes a full recovery. Get well soon, Lola.
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Location: Aberdeen, Scotland.

Re: Lola

Postby Sphincter_movement+ » 14 Dec 2010, 11:19

Hi Calum
Thanks for letting us know about Lola and her Husband,I have sent them a Speedy recovery message from the e-mail address for Lola on Daves homepage.
They were both pretty shaken up from what her husband said and were very,very lucky to get out.
Once again thanks mate.
Posts: 128
Joined: 11 Nov 2010, 06:51

Re: Lola

Postby desperationfan » 14 Dec 2010, 20:38

Here is the auto-response message from Lola:

thank u for your message to Lola Lynn. this is an automated reply from her husband, Bruno as Lola is not feeling well enough right now to answer anyone.

as most of u are aware,Lola and I were involved in a near fatal vehicle accident on sunday morning in Altoona,Pa on our way to a 2 day shoot for Lola.

The short and thin of the story is we both survived and our survival is nothing short of a miracle.Our injuries are amazingly minor. Lola had to receive 18 stitches under her lower lip and chin area. We both have EXTREMELY sore backs and necks but no broken bones.We also have some nice knots on our heads too but they are in our hair area and not our faces!

Many have asked us what happened ,and rather than have Lola have to explain to everyone i am going to post this info for u,so she doesnt have to explain it over and over to everyone.....

at approx 10:30-11:00 am sunday morning, we were travelling on US route 220 North in the Altoona area when the road conditions rapidly deteriorated. The temperature dropped from over 40 degrees to around 32 in a very short period of time.The rain changed to slush and sleet in the mountainous areas.I was driving our 2008 Dodge Ram quad cab at about 50 mph when we hit a bridge span that was slick and slush covered. The bridge span had a very slight curve to it.When we went over the slush ,the rear end of our vehicle started swinging left to right and when i realized it was getting uncontrollable, i yelled to Lola that we are going to wreck.The trcuk then started swinging violently left and right..... I made sure i did not strike any of the vehicles in the right travel lane but the truck then swung sideways and we slid passenger side first into the guardrail and spun backwards. We travelled backwards for about 100 yards and then the horrific part happened. We fliped upside down ONTO the guardrail and the roof of the vehicle collapsed longways onto us pinning both of us in our respective sides of the truck.However the worse was not over as we then rolled an unknown number of times into the grassy area in between the northbound and southbound directions of the highway.LOLA WAS NOT WEARING HER SEATBELT....the reason was that she was suffering from some severe abdominal cramping and had to lay flat on the seat. Lola was thrown around like a rag doll and had her mouth impaled onto the "oh shit" handle on the upperdoor/roof portion of the truck.She was trapped in place by her mouth. She was covered in blood from her mouth and had a hard time breathing since the handle was stuck IN her mouth.Meanwhile on my side the roof had collapsed onto my neck and right shoulder and the truck came to rest on the roof ,leaning my side towards the ground.I had ABSOLUTELY no way to move at all. i was trapped upside down for an hour while i made sure they freed Lola first. Lola was extricated from her side after they cut her door away .she had a very hard time breathing with all the blood in her mouth and in her nose. Lola was at first thought o have lost some teeth and have a broken jaw but lukced out to only need stitches.The wonderful Firemen then came to me and propped up my side of the truck and slowly cut my door away before i was able to be pulled to safety.

we were taken to different hospitals and taken care of accordingly.

The sad thing is , shortly after our accident 4 people died in a 2 car accident on the same stretch of road we nearly perished on. :(

Lola and I wish to thank everyone one of u for all the texts,phonecalls, emails and messages on her networking sites.We need some time to get fully recovered.

Most of all we want to SINCERELY thank a kind gentleman named Russ and his wife who aided us and comforted us while we were trapped. These 2 good samaritans kept us from both going unconscious and kept our spirts as high as possible at such a tragic moment.May God bless them both. We both hope we get to thank them some day personally.

Also, another huge THANK YOU goes out to the Fire department that rescued us. I do not remember her name but as Lola was being cut free a female firefighter laid in the mud and reached in the truck and held my free hand until i could start to be freed. she is AN ABSOLUTE ANGEL........she helped me keep my breathing from spiraling out of control and kept me very calm. I was so panicky about Lola as i could not see her in the position she was trapped and she could not answer me other than some muffled mumblings when i was yelling to her if she was ok. all this and being trapped upside down,seat belted in for an hour was enough to make anyone have a panic attack.

thank u everyone for your continue dedication towards Lola Lynn and thank u for all the well wishes!


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Joined: 12 Nov 2010, 12:59

Re: Lola

Postby BlahPeeV » 16 Dec 2010, 11:05

Wow, that's awful...wonderful to hear that they are both (relatively) okay though, and will heal in time. I wish the best of luck to Lola and Bruno in a speedy recovery.
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Joined: 11 Nov 2010, 11:38

Re: Lola

Postby JC1 » 17 Dec 2010, 11:01

Sounds like a horrible and aweful experience to have to go through and I am glad that the end result was not as bad as one would think from the accident described. Best wishes for a full recovery as soon as may be for both Lola and her husband.
Posts: 31
Joined: 01 Dec 2010, 13:47

Re: Lola

Postby aumonier » 17 Dec 2010, 21:52

What a tragic news. I hope both Lola and bruno will recover well.
Posts: 19
Joined: 07 Dec 2010, 19:51

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