Issue with the New Store

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Issue with the New Store

Postby sickboy » 09 May 2020, 17:34

I'm experiencing a pretty annoying issue with the new store.

First it was the issue with trying to purchase something and getting stuck in the perpetual "Please Log In" loop. Now that I've gotten out of that, I'm having an issue when it comes time to confirm my order.

My cart says I only have one item. When I hit "checkout" it says its only one item. But when I get to the confirm order stage it tries to charge me for 2. How do I fix this? I've tried refreshing and clearing cookies. Neither works to fix it.
Posts: 80
Joined: 01 Dec 2010, 18:57

Re: Issue with the New Store

Postby sickboy » 09 May 2020, 17:47

Now the amount of items in my cart varies by which part of the store I'm looking at.
I'm getting a "Warning: Payment method required!" message even though I've selected the only option available
My order confirmation is up to 3 products even though the cart shows 1 (sometimes 2, sometimes 3, sometimes 0)

Can I just paypal you the money for Jasmine, One Hour Wait and then you email me a link to the file or something because your store is broken
Posts: 80
Joined: 01 Dec 2010, 18:57

Re: Issue with the New Store

Postby Bound2Burst » 10 May 2020, 15:55

Thing is, there have been 177 purchases so far, and 171 of them have been without issue. If the store were broken, it should affect everyone. I'm going to suggest that the problem resides with something those customers are doing. Some are trying to use phones, some insist on using non-recommended browsers.

Just for the record, I used to get a lot of this with the old store years ago but then it generally calmed down. Change of customer's computer operating system, change of browser... who knows. I've given up trying to sort it out since most people at not very forthcoming about the nature of the issue they encounter.

If you want to use PayPal, I will make the video available to you. Send the payment to
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Re: Issue with the New Store

Postby sickboy » 10 May 2020, 20:05

For what it's worth, I don't think you've caused the issue. If I were to venture a guess, I would say it's problem with the code for the shopping cart or how it interacts with certain internet security tools/plug-ins. It may be worth mentioning to your host, especially if you can replicate the issue. Alternatively, if/when I run into the issue again I can take a little screen sharing video for you.

As for browser and system, I'm on the latest version of Firefox and windows on a 3 month old laptop
Posts: 80
Joined: 01 Dec 2010, 18:57

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