Notice Regarding Purchase History & Downloading Your Files

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Notice Regarding Purchase History & Downloading Your Files

Postby Bound2Burst » 17 May 2020, 06:32

I'm making mention of this again to make sure as many people as possible see it. Sorry if it seems a bit harsh, but I can't keep on dealing with this issue.

It has been the habit of some customers to use the list of past purchases in their store download folder as an on-line library/repository for their movies. As mentioned on this forum many times over the years, we do not support this practice and offer no guarantee that your files will remain there indefinitely. You should ALWAYS download your purchases and back them up on several external devices. If you choose to ignore this advice, you do so at your own risk. If your files are lost, we will NOT undertake to replace them for you. Keeping them safe is your responsibility.

As you may have noticed, we are transitioning our business to a new store at As this occurs, movies are removed from Your purchase history CANNOT be transferred to the new store. Telling us that you are a loyal customer will not help.

At some point in the next few months, the operating system on the server hosting will be updated. When this occurs, will stop working completely and permanently. If you still have files in your download folder there (some may already have gone), this is your last chance to retrieve them.
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